Ready to migrate Act! to Zoho CRM? Expertise really matters.
Mondo is an essential partner for your Act! to Zoho CRM journey.

Mondo knows how to migrate Act! to Zoho CRM. We’ve been dong this a long time. As an illustration, Zoho doesn’t come with an Act! conversion wizard as seen here. While calling Zoho support may get the contacts and accounts migrated but the notes, history, opportunities and calendar might get left behind. At this point, that’s where we come in. We’ll help you get all that crucial data you can’t live without.
- Our command of both platforms is deep and wide.
- We are certified experts in both Act! and Zoho.
- Over 20 years of enterprise CRM experience brings your company more than technical know-how; Mondo also brings deep inquiry and insight into what matters most to your business.

Data migration is never easy.
Beyond just a lifeline when you need it,Mondo stands with you each step of the way.

In case you are looking go at it alone or with your I.T. contractor, you can export some of the data, but not all the data. For instance, the contact list view doesn’t export the unique IDs so notes won’t connect to their proper contacts when you import them into Zoho. Additionally, when you migrate Act! to Zoho using Excel or SQL, these tools alone cannot strip out the RTF/HTML code formats as shown here. For this purpose, our utilities make this happen with ease.
- Zoho CRM does not provide an “Act! conversion wizard” and Zoho support engineers don’t know how to migrate ALL your Act! data.
- Most Zoho Partners don’t know Act!’s nuances like we do.
- Histories, notes, custom contact fields, etc. require a steady hand migrating them to Zoho CRM. We have a proprietary Act! to Zoho CRM migration tool for this.

A great Zoho CRM experience begins with Mondo.
We help translate your data for better enterprise performance.

- Mondo’s decades-long enterprise experience ensures CRM aligns with your unique business processes and KPIs.
- We don’t vanish after we migrate Act! to Zoho.
- Mondo clients enjoy periodic reviews of their business systems, processes and goals to ensure you’re getting the most from Zoho’s amazing platform.
- Mondo’s average client relationship lasts 8.5 years.