If you see e-mail history from Outlook not showing up in Act!, this is one of several possible causes. Act! uses a service called act.outlook.service.exe located here in a typical Act! installation: C:\program files\act\act for windows\act.outlook.service.exe. Here is how to reset it (video on bottom of this post):

  1. Start Task Manager (Start -> Run -> Taskmgr)
  2. On the details tab, look for Act.Outlook.Service
  3. Right click on it to end the task
  4. Restart the service by (Start -> Run -> C:\Program Files (x86)\ACT\Act for Windows)
  5. Look for act.outlook.service.exe
  6. Double-click to start it

You can watch a video on how to access the log.  In order for the e-mail to record to Act!, the contact in Act! must have the same email address as the Outlook message.  Our most common problem is the contact didn’t have the same e-mail address. For example, John Doe may have sent you an email with his G-Mail address; however you have his business e-mail in Act!.  That won’t match up.

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