Act! Dialog Boxes Are Wrong Size

Sometimes, the Act! dialog boxes don’t appear correct, and the boxes are out of scale relative to the screen.  This is because you need to change the text scaling to 100% DPI from 125%+.  Yes, it makes other icons relatively small, but it’s a flaw in legacy code from Act! for Windows that hasn’t been migrated yet.

Follow the video below, and you will need to log out and log back into Windows.

Attaching Dropbox and Google Docs to Act! Contacts

Since Ac! v17, offers the ability to attach links to websites in the documents tab.  As online file sharing tools grow like Google Docs, Dropbox, Box and Sharepoint, you can attach these links to Act! contact records.  This video shows you how.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Act! Dashboard - Find New Contacts in Two Clicks

For Act! 2010+ users, the dashboard offers a visual reporting tool.  One client wanted to know whether sales reps where adding new leads or making changes. With Act! dashboard, it's two clicks away.

Act! Contact Dashboard

How to Create Company Records with Act!

AutoCreateCompaniesIf you want to manage multiple contacts at one company, Act! uses a company record feature.

For Act! v16+, you can automate company record creation by going to Tools -> Preferences -> Admin -> Company Preferences and change the threshold from 0 -> 2+. Legacy owners of Act! can look at this app to automatically convert contacts to companies.

The embedded guide shows you how to manage company records and helps manage existing contacts from Act! version 2010+

Our method uses the "linked contacts" method to connect contacts to companies, so you when you find additional contacts at the same company, select Contact -> Duplicate Contact and everything stays together as expected.

Act! Reports - Easy First Step

Act! History - Press CTRL-HThe first step for Act! users is getting the data in effectively. Use history (CTRL-H), not notes. Why? Notes don’t allow Act! to do all the analysis. But a history classifies entries as “Call Completed”, “Meeting Held” or “On-Site Presentation”. Then, the report tools count history entries by type, date, sales rep etc.

In version 17.1+, you can change the default result from “Appointment Completed” to something else like “Call Completed”. Here is how:

  1. Tools -> Preferences
  2. Click Startup Tab
  3. Under History, select a history type as default

Then, you can create an ad hoc report using the History List View (v16+ )

Act! History List View