Segmenting The Database Increases Open and Click Through Rates

To increase your open and click rates, it's a best practice to use Act!, or whatever CRM system you use, to create a smaller list with greater precision rather than a "spray and pray" approach where one offers goes to anyone in hopes the numbers make up the difference.

I proved this by segmenting the database by "areas of interest" based on a survey I sent along with re-examining my database to see what features of Act! they inquired about. Once I targeted my list, my open rate went from 11% to 64% with two messages sent the same day to Act! users. One list is "Tips and Tricks" if I don't know more about them while the second list contains tips on "Automating Act!" based on my clients' feedback.

For Act! users, you can use the "Dynamic Groups" feature to automatically make and maintain these targeted lists.

In addition to traditional CRM training and support services, we offer a service to help you build proper surveys and to properly segment the database before you send your next e-blast.

Automate Marketing in CRM - First Step

Automating Marketing with CRM allows you to:

  • Reach the hundreds of contacts you cannot call today
  • Build brand awareness
  • Ensure marketing gets done without daily manual intervention

Before any tool is implemented, the first thing to do is segment your database by industry.

Here are some screenshots of various systems. You can change these highlighted choices quickly as you finish each conversation with a client.  As you send more targeted campaigns, open and read rates will increase.  Here is our evidence from our campaigns.

Act! Example:
Act! Database Customization Example

Salesforce Example:
Salesforce Customization Example

Zoho Example:
Zoho Customization Example

Act! Doesn't Start After Applying Windows 10 Update

We have taken a few calls on this recently and read this on the boards.  Apparently, Windows 10 slows down the SQL service starting up quickly as we want.  This means you could get an error like the "Act! Database not found" or the database won't open.

For sync users and single users of Act!, you need to update the SQL service so it's a delayed start.  Here are the steps:

  1. Press Windows "Start" (or CTRL-Escape)
  2. Type in "Services.msc"
  3. Find the service called "SQL Server (ACT7)"
  4. Right click and select "Properties"
  5. Change it from "Automatic" to "Automatic (Delayed)"

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Keyboard Shortcuts with Act! and Windows and Web Browsers

Sometimes, keyboard shortcuts in Act!, Windows or web browsers are faster than using the mouse.

Or, you can press ALT-L ; then, L. Here is a complete list, and it doesn't matter which version you use. The keyboard shortcuts have been consistent since 1987.

For everyday work, I use these Windows shortcuts because it's faster than looking around others' desktops to find their icons.

  • Windows + R - Brings up the Windows Run command. In Windows 7+, you can even use this file search tool
  • Windows + E - Brings up Windows Explorer
  • Windows + D - Brings up Windows Desktop
  • CTRL-ESC - Brings up the Windows Start Menu
  • Fastest way to start a browser and website is to press Windows + R then type in the website address and press Enter. This brings up your default browser along the with the website

Here is a complete list for Windows, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.

If you are trying to make any data entry process faster in Act!, send the request to me. Chances are I may have a solution for you.

How to Use the Campaign Results in Act! E-Marketing to Get New Leads

Swiftpage bought Act! in 2013 and integrated a new e-mail marketing tool called Act! E-Marketing (AEM).  Unlike other CRM systems, Act! offers a unique integration between campaigns and leads generated from it.

As shown in this video, I sent an offer to upgrade Act!.  The results are shown within Act!.  Just click a name, and it goes right to the lead with history ready to go for the rep.

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