Act! v20.1 Outlook Synchronization Best Practices

Act! and Outlook 2016Here is an article on how to prepare the upgrade as well as a video on the contact sync module.

For optimal performance, Office 365 subscribers need to change the update channel (aka frequency) for Outlook updates.  Sometimes, Microsoft moves features ahead of Act!’s development.

Microsoft KB – Version and build numbers of update channel releases

Microsoft KB – Overview of update channels for Office 365 ProPlus

CRM Software Fixes in 30 Minutes

I reported two bugs in WiredContact this month, and they were fixed in within 30 minutes.  Then, I can install the updates within 5 minutes without disruption.  One of the reasons I added WiredContact to my suite of CRM solutions is for the developers’ response time.  Can your current CRM do this ?

How to allow pop ups in Chrome for WiredContact

WiredContact uses pop-ups for certain functions like alarms or displaying reports after they are done.  By default, Chrome blocks this.  Here is how to enable them for WiredContact.  For example, if your site is "", then you would have Chrome allow pop-ups for

Google's answer.

How to Export a Contact List Report from WiredContact

In WiredContact, the export function is within the contact report wizard of WiredContact.  This sample video creates a lookup; then, exports a few field to a .csv file.  In this example, the browser blocked the pop-up notice saying work is complete.  So, the video shows you how to retrieve the report after it's complete.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

How to append values to a field to many contacts at once in Act!

In Act! , you can use the edit -> replace function to overwrite contact fields en masse for a lookup.

But, what if you wanted to append something to 30 contacts (or any size lookup) to an existing lookup ?  Act! won't allow that.  This utility by xAct software in New Zealand does this for free.  Please note it only works on character fields, not memo fields.



Append Field
xAct Software Append Field app